If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
-Mother Teresa

February 4, 2008

Picture Book

Hello! I'm sorry that I ran out of time for any lengthy narrative this week, but I hope you'll at the very least enjoy the pictures I uploaded.




A week ago Mahri, Brooke and I went on a really nice hike outside of our cyber town. That's Mahri looking out over the landscape to give you an idea of scale.

Seriously. Seriously. No words...

Those are the three gazelle (gazelles?) we saw on our hike. It was so cool to see something other than cats, dogs and wild boar.

Full moon rising over cyber town...

This is my friend making bignes (hope I spelled that right, those yummy things they eat with powdered sugar for breakfast in New Orleans...). We got out the Christmas cookie cutters Erin sent and made the most lovely pastries my town has ever seen!

We got the biggest kick out of the puffy little men...

On the most recent Sunday hike we walked about 45 minutes east to this big butte. That's pronounced "b-yout"... still really funny to write...

This is the view back towards our town from the top of the butte.

That's my host Saadia and I on top of the butte.

This is most of the group of girls that I work with; just missing two. We had great fun on this hike. We were gone from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Here we are descending the hill and heading into the sunset...

This is my friend Amina and her donkey. I love this picture.

Okay, I've tried desperately to get a picture of the boar. In fact, it's become something of a joke in my town. I get up at the break of down, and then sit out until dark waiting for the things to appear. They usually do when I don't have my camera. I got these pictures on the way to the bus las week.

Another picture of the boar. You might have to view the picture bigger in order to see them.

I took this from the roof on one of the mornings that I waited to get a good picture of them.

Wild boar are called "haloof" in Tashelheit. Here I'm on the roof wondering if I've completely lost it.

I've been making the girls some posters for the Nedi as we've been working on English.

Here's another I just finished with the tools that we use. I'm sure I'm missing some, and I'm sure they will tell me when I hang it up tomorrow...