If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
-Mother Teresa

April 7, 2008

Moving Picture Heaven

Hello dedicated readers!

As most of you know I have been working for weeks and weeks to upload some videos I've been working on. Well, I have finally found success! Yippeee!

Below you will see two videos that show some of the things I've been up to recently. My plan is to post these every once in a while to keep you all up to date on what I'm really doing. As much as I like writing and posting pictures, I enjoy much more making these little movies for everyone to enjoy.

Things are coming along as quickly and as slowly as ever her in Morocco. The temperature is rising, a fellow PCV already spotted the first scorpion, I've been doing lots of work on my new place, and I continue to miss all of you more and more. The most exciting thing that is happening these days is that our training group is about six weeks away from IST (In-Service Training), which will be great because I will reunite with many friends I haven't seen since swearing-in.

Well, now that I've given you the bried update, pop some popcorn, put your feet up, make sure your computer is not muted, and please enjoy the two latest items to come out of Megaton Productions...

